How Much Do i need?


Bookings should be confirmed 2 months before departure and you can start contacting your in country support person to assist you with your trip preparations. Prices vary depending on the project you choose and are tax inclusive.
What’s included
Price (AUD)
(Health Education)

Accomodation,Meals, Transport, Personal locker and Project materials, Complementary trips. School stationery supplies will be bought and donated to the school and or other health/medical supplies, to the community dispensary.



Accommodation, Meals, Transport, Personal locker, construction materials, safety equipments and complementary trips.


Physical Wellness (Sports/Gardening etc.)

Accommodation, Meals, Transport, Personal locker and Project materials (Sporting/Gardening materials etc.) Complementary trips. Materials will be donated to the school/community.


Island Projects (Community Immersion/Dev) or Marine Conservation

Airport transfers,Accommodation, Meals, Transport, projects materials and safety gears (Marine Conservation Project) & Complementary trips.
