What are we currently working on?

School Renovations

In a remote island where resources and school funding are limited. Here are some of the projects that we will continue to work on in the next few months

School Site 1

School Bathroom roofing|Bathroom Fixtures. 

Most of the school facilities are either outdated or damaged by natural disasters.

Volunteering Company In Fiji

School Site 2

School Footpaths

With Leptospirosis being one of the major public health concerns in Fiji especially during rainy weather - proper footpaths would prevent students from walking on soggy mud to and from bathrooms and or other school areas.

Volunteer Projects In Fiji

School Site 3

School Drainage Issues

Upon assessment, we found that the school's washrooms had little to no drainage outlets in their bathrooms. Waterborne diseases are common in Fiji due to inadequate drainage and sanitation infrastructure. It is essential to address these issues to ensure proper waste management and protect public health.